I didn’t know the Giving Closet existed, once I heard about it and what they provided I was like, wow how come this is such a secret. Everybody in our community should know about what the Closet provides. Providing clothing for women, men and children in all shapes, and sizes free of charge for those who are need of these items rocks. And better yet to learn that the Giving Closet’s purpose is not to enable people in need but actually attempts to provide a hand up for folks who are just down on their luck.
After hearing more about The Giving Closet I visited their location and was amazed at the buzz of activity going on inside. Surrounded by what seemed a ton (may have been if weighed) were donations coming in in just about any container possible from big boxes to plastic bins to big shopping bags. Several volunteers were in process of sorting clothing items and placing into specific carts to be further identified and hung on racks for shopping floor. I left knowing a lot of real effort and activity was going on to help others.
At the time I visited The Closet it was not open for shopping business and I noticed from the care of how the clothing was arranged and then subsequently organized on the actual shopping floor that the philosophy and attitude of The Closet, its volunteers and staff was one of honoring the shopping client or perhaps a better word comes to mind – Dignity – providing all of this with dignity for the shopper in mind. After leaving some days later I was thinking how cool for our community to have a Closet such as this.