At this time, we are unable to accept donations weekly. Please check back here to see designated drop off days as they change each month.
We will accept donations on the following
Fridays from 10 AM to 12 PM:
Please remember to limit each bag to 20 pounds or less. It would be wonderful if you could fold the items in the bag and label them, helping us greatly to process the items more efficiently.
Thank you so much for your understanding and your patience!
- Bedding, Bath Towels, Blankets
- Household and Kitchen Items
- Décor
- Toys and Children's Books
- Clothing for All Ages- Newborn to Adult
- Casual Shoes and Tennis Shoes for All Ages
- Medical supplies and equipment - please contact A Caring Closet
- Furniture, mattresses, used pillows
- TV's or electronics
- Car seats, highchairs, and cribs
- Items from garage sales, estate sales, storage units or evictions